{type}=Series {year}=2012 {episode}=Ep 1-11{completed}
- Info
- Storyline
- Languages
● TitleRumi
● Duration45m
● LanguagesHindi, Urdu
● Release dateJuly 20, 2012 (Qatar)
● GenreAction, Adventure, Drama, History, War
● Lead Cast
● Rating⭐6.3
● DirectorMBC Studios
● TypeSeries
● Seasons1/1
● Total Episodes11
Mowlānā Jalāloddin Balkhi, known in Persia as Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhī and in the West as Rumi, was born on September 30, 1207, in Balkh Province, Afghanistan, on the eastern edge of the Persian Empire. Rumi descended from a long line of Islamic jurists, theologians, and mystics, including his father, who was known by followers of Rumi as “Sultan of the Scholars.” When Rumi was still a young man, his father led their family more than two thousand miles west to avoid the invasion of Genghis Khan’s armies. They settled in present-day Turkey, where Rumi lived and wrote most of his life.